Become a Toy Drop Off Site

Help Kids2Kids bring toys to children in need.

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Our elves will shop for the toys that are most
needed thanks to your help.

November – December 2024

The 19th Annual Kids2Kids Toy Drive

This year marks the 19th year of Kapco’s Kids2Kids Toy Drive and continuing to instill the spirit of giving in our community! Thanks to the growth and support of our partners, along with thousands of students, this program has distributed over 320,000 new toys to local charities and families in need during the holidays.

This program would not be possible without the help of our sponsors and community supporters, making Kids2Kids one of the region’s largest toy drives!

Toy Drive FAQs

  • With the help of Hometown Heroes and the Salvation Army, all toys collected are distributed to children in need through 30 different charities serving children and families throughout Southeastern Wisconsin.

  • Kids2Kids only accepts new and unwrapped toys for donation. The following lists are just some suggestions of toys for boys and girls:

    Sports balls, Gym/Sports/School Bags, Portable Chargers, Bluetooth Speakers, Bikes, Handheld Games, Watches, Sunglasses, Wallets, Make-Up Sets, Helmets, Costumes, Jewelry, Headphones, Stuffed Animals

  • Kids2Kids only collects toys and does not distribute any toys to individuals. However, we can get you in touch with the organizations where our toys end up! Try either of the phone numbers below for a direct line to the groups receiving our toys this holiday season. Contact us if you don’t live in Milwaukee, Ozaukee or Washington County.

    Milwaukee County
    Salvation Army of Milwaukee County: (414) 302-4300

    Ozaukee County
    United Way of Northern Ozaukee County: (248) 613-7855

    Washington County
    Big Brothers/Big sisters: (262) 334-7896

    Boys and Girls Club: (740) 373-4123

    Gingerbread House: (262) 338-1661