Kapco’s Kids2Kids program has collected over 335,000 new toys that have been distributed across dozens of local charities serving low income and disadvantaged families. Through the active participation of thousands of children as well as schools and businesses, Kids2Kids has made an important impact on children during the holidays while instilling the value of giving.

Thanks to the help of the community and all of our supporters, Kids2Kids has become one of the region’s largest toy drives!


Please help make the holidays a little brighter for kids and families and instill the spirit of giving within the community.  We are welcoming all businesses, schools, neighborhoods, clubs and sports teams to get involved and become a toy collection location or participate as a volunteer.

Want to Volunteer for Kids2Kids?

Kapco’s Kids2Kids Toy Drive relies on hundreds of volunteers to help plan, set-up and operate this event. Volunteering for Kids2Kids provides an opportunity to make memories that will last a lifetime. Together, we can make the holidays brighter for children and families throughout our community and provide a memorable experience for everyone who participates.

If you have a large group (6 or more people), we’d love to work with you on the best time and place for your group to work together.  Please direct all group inquiries and any volunteer questions to Sara Dunlap, sara.dunlap@kenterprises.com

Thank You Sponsors

Additional Contributors

Basic Metals, Inc.
Big Brothers/Big Sisters
Ratner Steel Supply Company
Rotary Club of Port Washington-Saukville
Straub Metal
Special Thanks to Josh Hader